Jul 17, 2020

Mega Jon Bass - Boomsday

The return of Chucky Bass!

OK friends there is a lot of Mega Jon Bass news! Let me breathe in and out... So, the main news is that HE IS BACK with an album called "Boomsday"! 12 Booming brand new tracks. Check out these samples, old school as hell:

Booming right? But there is more. Not only can you buy the new album digital by clicking

but if you're more of an older head like me, you can also buy the CD!


AND... You can not only buy the CD, you can also buy the Instrumental CD!


So whatever you desire, you can find it at megajonbass.com

And while you are at it clicking links, maker sure you visit THE MEGA SHOP  to complete your wardrobe!

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